Races near Pullman, WA

Upcoming races in and near Pullman, Washington. Use filters to quickly find races by distance, month or race type.

More races: USA running calendar

Date RaceDistanceLocationhf:tax:distancecategoryhf:tax:monthandyearhf:tax:typerace
07/14/2024Lindsay Creek Wine Run 5K5KLewiston ID5k07-julyroadrace
10/13/2024Spokane Marathon Half Marathon & 10k10K, 13.1M, 26.2MSpokane WA10k half marathon10-octoberroadrace
05/19/2024Windermere Marathon10K, 13.1M, 26.2M, 5KSpokane WA10k 5k half marathon05-mayroadrace
10/27/2024Halloween Hustle Half Marathon10K, 13.1M, 5KCoeur d'Alene ID10k 5k half10-octoberroadrace
05/26/2024Coeur d’Alene Marathon10K, 13.1M, 26.2M, 5KCoeur d'Alene ID10k 10k-to-half-marathon 5k half half-marathon-to-full-marathon marathon05-mayroadrace
11/28/2024North Idaho Turkey Trot at Riverstone10K, 1M, 5KCoeur d'Alene ID10k 5k11-novemberroadrace
12/07/2024Santa Run10K, 5KCoeur d'Alene ID10k 5k12-decemberroadrace
10/12/2024Falla Walla Half Marathon10K, 13.1MWalla Walla WA10k half10-octoberroadrace
10/12/2024Hayden Lake Marathon13.1M, 26.2M, 5K, 6.55MHayden Lake ID10k 5k half marathon10-octoberroadrace
09/07/2024Jump Off Joe Marathon10K, 13.1M, 26.2MKennewick WA10k half marathon09-septembertrail
06/15/2024Trail Rail Run12K, 30K, 50K, 50M, 5KSt. Regis MT10k-to-half-marathon 5k half-marathon-to-full-marathon ultra06-junetrail
08/10/2024Circle the Bay 30K30KUnion ORhalf-marathon-to-full-marathon08-augustroadrace
06/22/2024Race the Wolf Marathon13.1M, 26.2M, 5MSandpoint IDhalf marathon06-junetrail
06/08/2024Terra Blanca Wine Run 5K5KBenton City WA5k06-junetrail
09/14/2024Priest Lake Marathon13.1M, 26.2M, 50KPriest Lake IDhalf marathon ultra09-septembertrail
06/08/2024Kaniksu 50100K, 13.1M, 29K, 50K, 50MFrater Lake WAultra06-junetrail
10/12/2024Sasquatch Shuffle20K, 30K, 50KMcCall ID10k-to-half-marathon half-marathon-to-full-marathon ultra10-octobertrail
09/21/2024IMTUF 100100M, 20MMcCall IDhalf-marathon-to-full-marathon ultra09-septembertrail
06/01/2024Sharlie Shuffle12H, 6HMcCall IDultra06-junetrail
11/23/2024Turkey Dash5KLibby MT5k11-novemberroadrace
06/22/2024Many Abilities 5K5KStevensville MT5k06-juneroadrace
05/18/2024Rattlesnake Hills Wine Run10K, 13.1M, 5KZillah WA10k half05-mayroadrace

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