Upcoming races in Nevada. Use filters to quickly find races by distance, city, month or race type.
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Date Race Distance City hf:tax:distancecategory hf:tax:city hf:tax:typerace hf:tax:monthandyear 02/22/2025 Rock ‘n’ Roll Las Vegas Half Marathon 10K, 13.1M, 5K Las Vegas NV 10k 5k half las-vegas-nv roadrace 02-february 02/28/2025 Grandmaster Ultras 100K, 100M, 50K, 50M Mesquite NV ultra mesquite-nv trail 02-february 03/08/2025 Labor of Love Races 10K, 13.1M, 26.2M, 50K, 5K Las Vegas NV 10k 5k half marathon ultra las-vegas-nv trail 03-march 03/09/2025 Lucky Half Marathon – Las Vegas 10K, 13.1M, 5K Las Vegas NV 10k 5k half las-vegas-nv roadrace 03-march 03/15/2025 Arbor Day Run Green LAS VEGAS 10K, 13.1M, 5K Las Vegas NV 10k 5k half las-vegas-nv roadrace 03-march 03/15/2025 Turkey Vulture Stretch 5K Ely NV 5k ely-nv roadrace 03-march 03/16/2025 Leprechaun Race 5K 5K Reno NV 5k reno-nv roadrace 03-march 03/16/2025 I’m Bound for Boston Marathon & Half Marathon – Las Vegas 13.1M, 26.2M Las Vegas NV half marathon las-vegas-nv roadrace 03-march 03/22/2025 Trail Trashed 10K, 13.1M, 26.2M, 50K, 5K Henderson NV 10k 5k half marathon ultra henderson-nv trail 03-march 03/22/2025 Purple Run 10K, 13.1M, 5K Las Vegas NV 10k 5k half las-vegas-nv roadrace 03-march 03/29/2025 Bootlegger 50K 10K, 13.1M, 25K, 50K, 5K Boulder City NV 10k 5k half half-marathon-to-full-marathon ultra boulder-city-nv trail 03-march 03/29/2025 Cappy’s Backyard Ultra Nevada Panaca NV ultra panaca-nv trail 03-march 04/03/2025 Mission 500 Security 2K, 5K Las Vegas NV 5k las-vegas-nv roadrace 04-april 04/05/2025 Escape from Prison Hill Trail Races 10K, 13.1M, 5K Carson City NV 10k 5k half carson-city-nv trail 04-april 04/05/2025 SuperHeroes Run LAS VEGAS 10K, 13.1M, 5K Las Vegas NV 10k 5k half las-vegas-nv roadrace 04-april 04/05/2025 REVEL Mt Charleston Marathon and Half Marathon 13.1M, 26.2M Las Vegas NV half marathon las-vegas-nv roadrace 04-april 04/06/2025 Vegas Cares About Rare Kids 5K 1M, 5K Henderson NV 5k henderson-nv roadrace 04-april 04/12/2025 Deja Vu Marathon 10K, 13.1M, 1M, 26.2M, 50K, 5K Las Vegas NV 10k 5k half marathon ultra las-vegas-nv roadrace 04/26/2025 Reno’s Biggest Little Half Marathon 10K, 13.1M, 5K Reno NV 10k 5k half reno-nv roadrace 04-april 05/03/2025 Sloth Run LAS VEGAS 10K, 13.1M, 5K Las Vegas NV 10k 5k half las-vegas-nv roadrace 05-may 05/11/2025 Bee-utiful Sunflower Run 10K, 1M, 5K Las Vegas NV 10k 5k las-vegas-nv roadrace 05-may 05/17/2025 Polio Purple Pinkie Trail Run 10K, 5K Reno NV 10k 5k reno-nv trail 05-may 05/24/2025 Keep Going Run – Las Vegas 10K, 13.1M, 1M, 5K Las Vegas NV 10k 5k half las-vegas-nv roadrace 05-may 05/30/2025 Reno-Tahoe Odyssey Relay Run Adventure 178M Reno NV ultra reno-nv roadrace 05-may 06/07/2025 Silver State 13.1M, 50K, 50M Reno NV half half-marathon-to-full-marathon ultra reno-nv trail 06-june 06/07/2025 Sawmill Relay & Half Marathon 10K, 13.1M, 19.2M, 38.4M, 57.7M, 5K Las Vegas NV 10k 5k half half-marathon-to-full-marathon ultra las-vegas-nv trail 06-june 06/22/2025 Rock Tahoe Half Marathon 13.1M Stateline NV half stateline-nv roadrace 06-june 06/28/2025 Running with the Devil Marathon 10K, 13.1M, 26.2M, 50K, 5K Las Vegas NV 10k 5k half marathon ultra las-vegas-nv trail 06-june 07/19/2025 Tahoe Rim Trail Endurance Runs 100M, 50K, 56M Carson City NV ultra carson-city-nv trail 07-july
Nevada Race Calendars:
5K Races | 10K Races |
Half Marathons | Marathons |
Ultra Marathons | Trail Races |
Las Vegas | Henderson |
Sparks | Carson City |