Upcoming races in Connecticut. Use filters to quickly find races by distance, city, month or race type.
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Date Race Distance City hf:tax:distancecategory hf:tax:city hf:tax:typerace hf:tax:monthandyear 02/23/2025 Lake Waramaug Polar Bear Run 7M New Preston CT 10k-to-half-marathon new-preston-ct trail 02-february 03/02/2025 Boston Buildup Winter Series Silvermine 25K 25K Silvermine CT half-marathon-to-full-marathon silvermine-ct roadrace 03-march 03/17/2025 The Leprechaun Made Me Do It 2M Glastonbury CT glastonbury-ct roadrace 03-march 03/22/2025 Daisy Dash 5K 5K Westbrook CT 5k westbrook-ct roadrace 03-march 03/29/2025 Bradley Road Race 10K, 5K Windsor Locks CT 10k 5k windsor-locks-ct roadrace 03-march 03/29/2025 Savin Rock Marathon 13.1M, 26.2M West Haven CT half marathon west-haven-ct trail 03-march 04/06/2025 Middletown 10K & 5K 10K, 5K Middletown CT 10k 5k middletown-ct roadrace 04-april 04/06/2025 April Fools Half Marathon 13.1M, 5K Moodus CT 5k half moodus-ct roadrace 04-april 04/12/2025 Spirit of Spring 5K 5K Tolland CT 5k tolland-ct roadrace 04-april 04/13/2025 Cheshire Road Races Half Marathon 13.1M, 5K Cheshire CT 5k half cheshire-ct roadrace 04-april 04/26/2025 Shane Kinsella Memorial Run 2M, 5M Goshen CT goshen-ct roadrace 04-april 04/27/2025 Jack Bristol Lake Waramaug Ultra Races 100K, 50K, 50M New Preston CT ultra new-preston-ct trail 04-april 04/27/2025 Strides For Scholars 2M, 5K Union CT 5k union-ct roadrace 04-april 05/03/2025 CACNA1A 5K 5K Norwalk CT 5k norwalk-ct roadrace 05-may 05/03/2025 Forgotten Forest Ultra Run 9H Stratford CT ultra stratford-ct trail 05-may 05/03/2025 Granby Road Race 10K, 5K Granby CT 10k 5k granby-ct roadrace 05-may 05/04/2025 Miles for Margaritas 5K 5K Stratford CT 5k stratford-ct roadrace 05-may 05/14/2025 Nutmeg State Marathon 13.1M, 26.2M Hartford CT half marathon hartford-ct roadrace 05-may 05/15/2025 Stamford Boys & Girls Club Corporate 5K at Mill River Park 5K Stamford CT 5k stamford-ct roadrace 05-may 05/17/2025 Windsor Kiwanis Shad Derby Road Race 2.5M, 5K Windsor CT 5k windsor-ct roadrace 05-may 05/17/2025 Spring Street Mile & Halfway to Turkey Day 1M, 5K Manchester CT 5k manchester-ct roadrace 05-may 05/18/2025 Rossiter Run 5K Race 5K Washington Depot CT 5k washington-depot-ct trail 05-may 05/18/2025 Mystic Half Marathon 10K, 13.1M Mystic CT 10k half mystic-ct roadrace 05-may 05/18/2025 Strong Family Farm Chicken Run 5K Vernon CT 5k vernon-ct roadrace 05-may 05/24/2025 Hamden Hills Half Marathon 13.1M, 5K Hamden CT 5k half hamden-ct roadrace 05-may 06/01/2025 Run the Vineyards – Jonathan Edwards 5K North Stonington CT 5k north-stonington-ct roadrace 06-june 06/05/2025 IronHike Endurance Series – Spring 152M, 15M, 28M, 43M, 61M Cornwall CT half-marathon-to-full-marathon ultra cornwall-ct trail 06-june 06/08/2025 Litchfield Hills Road Race 7M Litchfield CT 10k-to-half-marathon litchfield-ct roadrace 06-june 06/09/2025 New England Series 10K, 13.1M, 26.2M, 50K, 5K Simsbury CT 10k 5k half marathon ultra simsbury-ct roadrace 06-june 06/14/2025 Ansonia Six Hour Trail Run 6H Ansonia CT ultra ansonia-ct trail 06-june 06/26/2025 Riverfront 5K 5K Hartford CT 5k hartford-ct roadrace 06-june 06/28/2025 Centurion Ultra Trail Event 33H Stratford CT ultra stratford-ct trail 06-june 07/05/2025 Litchfield Hills Triathlon 10K New Hartford CT 10k new-hartford-ct trail 07-july 09/20/2025 End the Stigma: Mental Health Awareness 5K 5K New London CT 5k new-london-ct roadrace 09-september
Connecticut Race Calendars:
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