Races in Vermont

Upcoming races in Vermont. Use filters to quickly find races by distance, city, month or race type.

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Date RaceDistanceCityhf:tax:distancecategoryhf:tax:cityhf:tax:typeracehf:tax:monthandyear
04/12/2025Half Marathon Unplugged13.1MLake Dunmore VThalflake-dunmore-vtroadrace04-april
04/27/2025Vermont Maple Festival Sap Run 8.5 Mile8.5MSt. Albans VT10k-to-half-marathonst-albans-vtroadrace04-april
05/07/2025Peak Blood Root Ultra100M, 10M, 200M, 50K, 50MPittsfield VT10k-to-half-marathon ultrapittsfield-vttrail05-may
05/09/2025New England Challenge13.1M, 26.2MFairlee VThalf marathonfairlee-vttrail05-may
05/11/2025Vermont Sun Half Marathon10K, 13.1MLake Dunmore VT10k halflake-dunmore-vttrail05-may
05/15/2025Infinitus Trail Race100M, 250M, 26.2M, 888K, 88K, 9MRipton VT10k-to-half-marathon marathon ultraripton-vttrail05-may
05/17/2025Dandelion Run Half Marathon10K, 13.1M, 1M, 2M, 4MDerby VThalfderby-vtroadrace05-may
06/01/2025Covered Bridges Half Marathon13.1MPomfret VThalfpomfret-vtroadrace06-june
07/12/2025Goshen Gallop10K, 5KGoshen VT10k 5kgoshen-vttrail07-july

Vermont Race Calendars:

5K Races 10K Races
Half Marathons Marathons
Ultra Marathons Trail Races

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