Races near Minot, ND

Upcoming races in and near Minot, North Dakota. Use filters to quickly find races by distance, month or race type.

More races: USA running calendar

Date RaceDistanceLocationhf:tax:distancecategoryhf:tax:monthandyearhf:tax:typerace
10/04/2024BurliMOT Half Marathon13.1M, 1M, 5KMinot ND5k half10-octoberroadrace
05/18/2024Hair of the Dog5KMinot ND5k05-mayroadrace
09/07/2024LeeWok Adventure Race10K, 5KSawyer ND10k 5k09-septembertrail
06/29/2024Hide Away Bay 5K5KGarrison ND5k06-juneroadrace
09/21/2024Bismarck Marathon10K, 13.1M, 26.2M, 5KBismarck ND10k 5k half marathon09-septemberroadrace
11/28/2024CFA Turkey Trot10K, 5KBismarck ND10k 5k11-novemberroadrace
06/01/2024Liberty Williston Marathon10K, 13.1M, 26.2M, 5KWilliston ND10k 5k half marathon06-juneroadrace
07/27/2024Maah Daah Hey Trail Run106M, 13.1M, 26.2M, 3M, 56M, 6M, 81MMedora NDhalf marathon ultra07-julytrail

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