Tucson Marathon, Half, 50K, and Marathon Relay

The Tucson Marathon, Half, 50K, and Marathon Relay has been running since 1969. The whole course is a downhill with beautiful winter weather.

For more races, check out our Running Races Calendar across the US.

Race Info

The time limit for the 50K is 8 hours, for the full marathon in 7,5 hours, for the half marathon is 7 hours, the course officially closes by 2:30 PM. There will be 20 aid stations along the 50K course, 18 aid stations along the full marathon course and 11 stations along the half marathon course with water, isotonics and sports drink.

All finishers will receive a commemorative medal. Male and female overall and age groups winners will be determined by chip time. The top 3 male and female overall and masters winners will receive awards.

In Tucson, December temperatures typically range from 66°F to 42°F, with rainfall averaging just over 1 inch for the month.

Race Date

December 15, 2024.


•  Start: Arizona 77, Tucson, Arizona US

•  Finish: 3885 East Golder Ranch Drive, Tucson, AZ US 85739




  • 50K
  • Marathon (26.2 miles)
  • Marathon relay
  • Half marathon (13.1 miles)

Starting Time

  • 6:30 AM – 50K
  • 7:00 AM – full marathon, relay
  • 7:30 AM – half marathon

Entry Fees

  • $129 and up – 50K
  • $119 and up – full marathon
  • $99 and up – half marathon

Course Map

You can find the course map and description here: tucsonmarathon.com. The full marathon and half marathon courses is USATF Certified and is a Boston Marathon Qualifier.


Sign up for the Tucson Marathon, Half, 50K, and Marathon Relay at raceroster.com.

Official Race Website

Always refer to the official website for the latest race information: tucsonmarathon.com.

Social Media

If you have any questions about the race, follow its Facebook page.


Related Events

If you’re looking for more races like this, have a look at our Marathons Calendar. You may also like to participate in other races in December.

More races in Arizona: 5K10KHalf MarathonsMarathonsUltra Marathons, 50K, 50M, 100K, 100M

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