Upcoming half marathons in Montana. Use filters to quickly find races by month, city or race type.
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Date Race Distance Location hf:tax:monthandyear hf:tax:city hf:tax:typerace 02/22/2025 Snow Joke Half Marathon 13.1M Seeley Lake MT 02-february seeley-lake-mt roadrace 03/15/2025 Run to the Pub Half Marathon 10K, 13.1M Bozeman MT 03-march bozeman-mt roadrace 05/10/2025 Beaverhead Marathon Full & Half 13.1M, 26.2M Dillon MT 05-may dillon-mt trail 05/17/2025 Whitefish Marathon 13.1M, 26.2M, 5K Whitefish MT 05-may whitefish-mt roadrace 06/01/2025 Queen Bee Montana Marathon 10K, 13.1M, 26.2M, 5K Billings MT 06-june billings-mt roadrace 06/07/2025 Bear Paw Marathon 13.1M, 26.2M, 5K Havre MT 06-june havre-mt trail 06/13/2025 Yellowstone Half Marathon 13.1M, 5K West Yellowstone MT 06-june west-yellowstone-mt roadrace 06/27/2025 Missoula Marathon 13.1M, 26.2M, 5K Missoula MT 06-june missoula-mt roadrace 06/28/2025 Glacier Half Marathon 13.1M East Glacier MT 06-june east-glacier-mt trail