5K Races in Montana

Upcoming races with 5K distance in Montana. Use filters to quickly find races by month, city or race type.

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Date RaceDistanceLocationhf:tax:monthandyearhf:tax:cityhf:tax:typerace
02/15/2025Heart Throb 5K5KMissoula MT02-februarymissoula-mtroadrace
03/15/2025Run for the Luck of It!5K, 7MMissoula MT03-marchmissoula-mtroadrace
03/15/2025Cloverfest 5K and Fun Run5KColumbia Falls MT03-marchcolumbia-falls-mtroadrace
04/12/2025Run for the Trees10K, 5KMissoula MT04-aprilmissoula-mtroadrace
05/10/2025Don’t Fence Me In Trail Run12K, 30K, 5KHelena MT05-mayhelena-mttrail
05/17/2025The Last Best Beer Run and 5K5KBillings MT05-maybillings-mtroadrace
05/17/2025Whitefish Marathon13.1M, 26.2M, 5KWhitefish MT05-maywhitefish-mtroadrace
05/18/2025Girls on the Run 5K – Montana5KKalispell MT05-maykalispell-mtroadrace
06/01/2025Queen Bee Montana Marathon10K, 13.1M, 26.2M, 5KBillings MT06-junebillings-mtroadrace
06/07/2025Bear Paw Marathon13.1M, 26.2M, 5KHavre MT06-junehavre-mttrail
06/21/2025Trail Rail Run12K, 30K, 50K, 50M, 5KSt. Regis MT06-junest-regis-mttrail
06/13/2025Yellowstone Half Marathon13.1M, 5KWest Yellowstone MT06-junewest-yellowstone-mtroadrace
06/27/2025Missoula Marathon13.1M, 26.2M, 5KMissoula MT06-junemissoula-mtroadrace
06/28/2025Audra Morger-Bonilla Memorial Run10K, 1M, 5KFort Benton MT06-junefort-benton-mtroadrace
07/12/2025Run With The Wild10K, 1K, 5KSeeley Lake MT07-julyseeley-lake-mttrail
07/26/2025Boogie To The Bank10K, 5KColumbia Falls MT07-julycolumbia-falls-mtroadrace

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