5K Races in Massachusetts

Upcoming races with 5K distance in Massachusetts. Use filters to quickly find races by month, city or race type.

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Date RaceDistanceLocationhf:tax:monthandyearhf:tax:cityhf:tax:typerace
04/05/2025Fool’s Dual Half Marathon13.1M, 5KGloucester MA04-aprilgloucester-maroadrace
04/27/2025West Island 5K Run5KFairhaven MA04-aprilfairhaven-maroadrace
05/04/2025Cranky Crab Half Marathon10K, 13.1M, 5KSeekonk MA05-mayseekonk-maroadrace
05/11/2025WMass Mother’s Day Half Marathon13.1M, 5K, 9MWhately MA05-maywhately-maroadrace
06/22/2025Town and Country Half Marathon13.1M, 5KNewburyport MA06-junenewburyport-maroadrace
07/26/2025Run to Home Base5K, 9KBoston MA07-julyboston-maroadrace

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