Blue Heron Hundreds

Embark on an exhilarating journey through the heart of Alabama’s scenic wilderness with the Blue Heron Hundreds trail race. As you traverse the rugged terrain, be mesmerized by the picturesque landscapes where ancient forests meet pristine waterways. Encounter the graceful blue herons, majestic symbols of the untamed, as they grace the course, inspiring you to push your limits and embrace the wild spirit within.

To find more races, check out our complete USA Running Calendar.

Race Info

Aid stations will have water, powerade, sword powder, coke, Mountain Dew, Sprite, ginger ale, chips, candy, PB&Js, cookies, peanut butter pretzels, salt, et cetera. The start/finish aid station and the one you hit twice during the loop (the first and third on the loop) will also have soup, potatoes, quesadillas, and coffee. There will also be a port-o-potty at the start/finish area and at the second aid station in the loop.

100M runners can have a pacer starting at about mile 42 for the last 3 loops. 100K runners can have a pacer starting around mile 42 for the last loop. Pacers must check in at the start/finish area to sign a waiver before they begin with their runner.

Each runner at any of the distances will receive a blue heron medal. The 100M finishers will also receive a custom belt buckle. The overall male and female winners in the marathon, 100K, and 100M will receive a special award. If a 100M runner decides not to finish the full distance but still makes it to the 100K distance, the runner will still be recognized as a finisher and receive a finisher medal.

Race Date

August 31, 2024.


4865 Arrowhead Landing Road
Mooresville, AL 35649 US



  • 100M
  • 100K
  • 40M
  • Marathon (26.2 miles)

Starting Time

  • 6:00 AM – all races

Entry Fees

  • $260 and up – 100M
  • $165 and up – 100K
  • $125 and up – 40M
  • $85 and up – Marathon

Course Map

The race unfolds along a meticulously designed trail, offering a harmonious blend of challenge and beauty. Courses will be run on soft, crushed gravel, and dirt roads in Wheeler Refuge. 100M, 100K, and Marathon are certified courses. For details, check the website


To reserve your spot in the Blue Heron Hundreds, register online at

Official Race Website

Additional race information can be found at

Social Media

If you would like to keep up on the latest news, connect with the race on Facebook.

Related Events

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More races in Alabama: 5K10KHalf MarathonsMarathonsUltra Marathons, 50K, 50M, 100K, 100M

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