Marathons in Arkansas

Upcoming marathons in Arkansas. Use filters to quickly find races by month, city or race type.

More races: USA running calendar

Date RaceDistanceLocationhf:tax:monthandyearhf:tax:cityhf:tax:typerace
01/25/2025Team Loco Marathon and Half Marathon13.1M, 26.2MConway AR01-januaryconway-arroadrace
02/01/2025Mississippi River Marathon13.1M, 26.2MLake Village AR02-februarylake-village-arroadrace
03/01/2025Little Rock Marathon10K, 13.1M, 26.2M, 5KLittle Rock AR03-marchlittle-rock-arroadrace
03/16/2025Fort Smith Marathon13.1M, 26.2M, 5K, 6.55MFort Smith AR03-marchfort-smith-arroadrace
04/12/2025Hogeye Marathon10K, 13.1M, 26.2M, 5KSpringdale AR04-aprilspringdale-arroadrace

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